The Photography is a profession that requires lots of patience. This is particularly evident from the work of Matt Molloy. His work shows some real talent in photography and rendering photos as magnificent as possible by super imposition of multiple images. The photographer is able to stack hundreds of images to give them the effect of a unique “brush”. The number and type of images that should be used depends on several factors such as time of day, weather conditions and if the object is static or moving. Matt says, “Sometimes the clouds are moving quick and there’s lots of them. If I stack too many photos from a time-lapse like that, it can get a little messy. ” He further elaborated that in the middle of the day it is difficult to take time lapse photos.
Matt Molloy has been active in time-lapse photography since last three years. “For every day that I don’t shoot a time-lapse, I probably shoot two the next day.”, Matt says. Discover amazing series of photos created by this photographer.