Facial modeling techniques are now so advanced that sometimes we struggle to tell the difference between a 3D portrait and a photograph. We have selected 10 such life-like graphic productions that are indistingushable from the original character. You will not believe your eyes!
No doubt you will recognize some of your favorite personalities, but do not be fooled, these portraits were entirely generated digitally, and thanks to the CGI (Computer Generated Imagery-) system. If these works seem larger than life, the artists’ modeling and animation forget any details, whether the movements of the muscles, wrinkles, or even of skin imperfections.
Discover videos that introduce toyou to the methods of achieving this:
The precision of these these portraits is really breathtaking! We do not often talk about the professionals who perform this kind of production and yet they are artists in their own right. We were really impressed by the realism of these works, especially that of the Joker. Would you have been able to tell the difference between a real person and a 3D model?