It is well known that tourists have a bad reputation in many countries! They are often ridiculed because sometimes they would act and behave awkwardly, as they would never do at home. However, as seen in the photos below their behavior is still funny and food for thought for you.
1. The tourists always think themselves to be funny in their different poses
But in reality they are more like this:
2. They think they can merge with local population using their clothing, but if you look closely, you can see the reality
3. You must tell them exactly what to do
“Warning to tourists: do not make fun of the locals. “
“One minute: do not read, do not talk, no pictures. Watch and enjoy. “
5. Their cards are printed practically in many folds
6. They travel in groups, hungry in search of a statue, in front of which to take photo
7. And when they find one… They abuse it!
8. Their fashion sense is like that of a person who picked three garments at random to dress
9. They do not even know where they are traveling
“Goodbye America, hello New York! New York is America. “
10. And especially what they visit
“I am flying over the Empire State Building. Landing at 8:20. “
11. “The Eiffel Tower”
12. This is unfortunately not the Sears tower
13. They pose with people whom they not even know
Me and Spac! From Star Wars. (Obviously this is Spock from Star Trek !)
14. They love feeding the pigeons
15. Their favorite activity to stop in the middle of a road
16. And their second favorite activity: take pictures of everything they see
“Take my picture with this animal”
17. They know the language and only theirs!
The locals do not speak English … So they speak English even stronger!
So the next time he would rather stay at home …
Stacie: I just returned from my trip to France.
Sabrina: When was it?
Stacie: Today, I just got back. Sorry if I look different. This is the Jet Lag.
” Tourists are not allowed to go beyond this point. Thank you. “
Have you ever noticed these manias among tourists that you see?