Since the creation of Pokémon, many different version or types of Pokemon have been created. So much so, that it is almost impossible to make a list of all the existing Pokémon. However, one unique Pokemon stands out among others and is known to everyone: Pikachu. But, some of its fans pay tribute to him in a very strange way. We present to you 20 abominable versions of Pikachu that you would have never see before.
1. The Pikagoule
2. Sloppy disguise Pikachu
3. The sock Pikachu
4. Pikachu terrorist
5. Ice Pikachu (small symmetry problem …)
6. Pikachu costume
7. Red Lipped Pikachu
8. Pikachu without ears that looks more like an alien than a Pokémon
9. Obese Pikachu
10. Human like Pikachu
11. The Pikachu statue that looks more like a dinosaur
12. Wooden Pikachu Statue
13. Rabbit dressed as Pikachu
14. The slinky version of Pikachu costume
15. Pikachu terracotta
16. This ride for children looks like a big cat Pikachu
17. Birthday cake Pikachu
18. Grandfather Pikachu alongside his little son
19. The inflatable Pikachu
20. sadomasochistic Pikachu suit
This selection is hilarious as well as perplexing. Some of the fans of Pikachu would be outraged but would not help stop laughing. Which one of these Pikachus made you laugh the most?