If you are planning on investing in cryptocurrency to avoid the impacts of the currently crashing stock market, you may be wondering which digital currencies are the most popular, and which would be worth your time. When considering that there are over 800 different digital currencies available, determining which you should watch may be quite overwhelming, which is why we have compiled a list of the time 5.
Bitcoin Reigns Supreme
Bitcoin was the very first digital currency to take the world by storm and while many were quite sceptical about its entry onto the market, doubts have been cleared and many who have invested, which they had invested sooner. Even though the Bitcoin price has fallen since the Covid19 outbreak has caused some havoc, there is reason to believe that the Bitcoin price will make a comeback stronger than before. What’s more, it is always best to invest when prices are low as your profits will naturally be higher. When investing in Bitcoin, you should opt for a wallet that will allow you to withdraw Bitcoins to PayPal as these types of wallets usually host the handiest features and functions.

Ripple’s Affordability
Ripple has a value that places it third on market capitalization, although, the affordability of the digital currency ranks it second on our list. This alluring cryptocurrency boasts solid technology and network that enhances popularity as many view the currency as an affordable and safe opportunity.
Litecoin Ranks Third
Litecoin is a digital currency that emerged shortly after Bitcoin made its impressive break onto the market. Surprisingly, the currency has maintained its popularity over the years and while some believe it will soon overpower the Bitcoin, investing in the currency has offered many large profits. This currency seems to hold its rank over the years, which means it would be a stable and safe investment solution. The potential of Litecoin is surprisingly more profitable than those of the Ethereum.
Ethereum’s Exceptional Influence
While Ethereum definitely needs no introduction, the currency is possibly so popular because of the massive and undeniable influence it has had on the cryptocurrency market. This is simply because Ethereum’s blockchain network allows thousands of crypto projects to be developed on its base, therefore rendering this currency a top-rated option for investors.
Neo Places Fifth
Neo places fifth on our list as one of the most popular digital currencies of 2020. The currency was developed by Da Hongei. Since this currency emerged in 2019, it has made incredible progress as its value has gained strength astronomically. The digital currency is also incredibly affordable, making it a great solution for those who opt to spread their crypto investments and put a few eggs in each basket. Crypto traders have also found significant profits from this currency as it continues to climb steadily in value.
Investing in crypto may be uncertain ground for so many who have never considered the technology before. However, when evaluating the exceptional amount of people around the world who have made incredible profits from the decision, there is no better time to get involved than right now.