Here we present 35 HD pink wallpapers that can be used to as background for your desktop. All of these wallpapers have a high definition resolution of 1080p (1920×1080). Once you choose a wallpaper, simply click on it to enlarge and then download. Afterwards, you can easily set it as the background of your device.
Pink is a color that has been historically associated with seduction and romance. It is also a color of tenderness and happiness. For some pink color symbolizes the ingenue, candor, purity but also seduction and fidelity. It is also a symbol of sweetness, of romance and love without sex or selfishness. This color also has a relaxing side and can represent the pleasure of living, happiness and optimism. In a period of complete realization we live on a small pink cloud. In our society, we can see that the Pink color is very well liked by the girls and pink color has also been used as the symbol of cancer awareness. Do you know any other uses of Pink color?
Although many consider Pink as the color of the girls and many boys do not think having anything related to the “girly color”. Slowly but surely the things are changing with the passage of the time. Many men now like this color in interior design and the furniture. And now this color has gained considerable popularity across the board, like wise pink wallpapers/backgrounds are also becoming popular. The notion that blue is the color for men and pink for the women is slowly fading away. Wallpapers in the flavor of Pink flower, cute pink, pink butterfly and pink damask have been gaining immense popularity. We have tried to combine all those flavors in the collection below. We hope that you would get inspiration from these wallpapers and find them beautiful. Pink seems to have strong connection with beauty of the nature like trees, flowers etc.
We can also see that one of the wallpaper has a pink apple logo, this combines the beauty of the nature with technology. We have pink color in many different tints. Please let us know about your choice of the pink background in the comments. We hope that you would find this collection useful. We highly appreciate your feedback as it helps us improve the quality of the page. If you think that there is any cool wallpaper that is not listed please let us know so that it may be featured here for the benefit of everyone.