This is in fact the most elegant collection of Windows 8 wallpapers that is available for free download. All of these wallpapers are high quality and high definition (1080p). In order to download a wallpaper just click on it to enlarge it and then you can easily save it and set as the background of your device.
Windows 8 uses a new type of GUI (long known as Metro). This environment is based on a brand new start screen composed of dynamic tiles, similar to those found on the Phones with windows operating system. Each tile represents an application, for example, the Messages application shows the number of unread messages while the weather application messages indicates the temperature depending on the location of the user. These applications will launch in full screen, and are able to exchange information between them. The traditional office environment can also be accessed from a tile.
Applications developed for this new environment were previously referenced as Metro style, as they allow the user to remain in the same environment. However, due to potential problems with the German company Metro AG, Microsoft Windows developers asked not to use that term. Deleting the Start menu was one of the most confusing points for the Microsoft Windows system. However, it was partially restored in Windows 8.1 (the Start button returns to the home screen). Due all the above mentioned qualities of a Windows 8 operating system, it is indeed one of the most favorite operating systems of many people. This is the reason that wallpapers of windows are in high demand.
We hope that you would enjoy our selection of this amazing hd windows 8 wallpapers. Please do let us know about the awesome wallpaper of your choice. If you want us to include any particular wallpaper in this list, please do let us know. We would surely try to include it here.