Our planet is filled with animals of all kinds and sorts of animal species from the most common to the most rare. Whether you have the passion for wildlife animal or the strange animals, these improbable combinations of animals, using photoshop, would definitely surprise you. If you think that you’ve already seen such strange animals then these invented imaginary species will definitely surprise you.
1. The goriphant
2. The lapibou
3. The poulaigle
4. The labracondor
5. The lapinoureuil
6. The greval
7. The goritigre
8. The chevalreuil
9. The mandriraffe
10. The moineuil
11. The chanouille
12. The parégouin
13. The chacureuil
14. The Chermine
15. The red pandaigle
16. The dugonsinge
17. The araichouette
18. The ornimanchot
19. The surichameau
20. The orang-outigre
21. The guévache
22. The chaquin
23. The lioutre
24. The souroiseau
25. The criquenouille
26. The crocoineau
27. The chigeon
28. The chameleon
These imaginary animals are crazy and hilarious! This article reminds us of one of our previous articles on the same subject: 15 New Really Wacky Species Of Animals Created Using Photoshop. Do you imagine any such crazy combination of animals?