Bespoke Innovations was founded in 2009 by the designer Scott Summit and orthopedic surgeon Kenneth Trauner. This foundation aims to build tailor-made fashionable prosthesis for the leg amputees. The process involves 3D scanning of the shape of the body of amputee, so that, the designed prosthesis merges finely with the body. The amputee is asked to choose a design from a library of templates to which he can even add some custom text. He can also choose the type of finishing for the prosthesis that he desires, such as nylon, leather or polished metal mirror. They call for an expression of personality and individuality that has never possible before.
We are delighted to see that people with limb loss were able to overcome this handicap by accepting this fact and moving on to enjoy the life! What do you think that such prosthesis designs can help the physically disabled people to feel better about themselves?