Discover How All Movie Posters Look Alike (Photo Gallery)

Have you ever wondered what is the common point between the film posters of Inception, Spider-Man 2 and A Very Long Engagement? The answer is simple: they all show a film character pointing his back towards us! Discover many other similarities in the film poster designs.

Posters are often made for the publicity of a movie. Even before seeing the trailer of the film, people see the movie poster of the film. Among all the different posters that you see in the streets, public transport or near a cinema, have used many of the same concepts to make the poster.

A talented blogger Christophe Courtois has used his talent to group similar film posters together, to show how many of the iconic film posters of our times have used more or less the same idea for film promotion. You can see other such examples on his site.

A hero standing above a city to save it
A hero standing above a city to save it
The main character with back towards us
The main character with back towards us


Closeup on a creepy eye
Closeup on a creepy eye
Revolutionary films love yellow
Revolutionary films love yellow
Film Title On The Face
Film Title On The Face
A reconstituted Face.
A reconstituted Face.
Faces on the scene, a silhouette and the ocean.
Faces on the scene, a silhouette and the ocean.
Close-ups on glasses. The great class!
Close-ups on glasses. The great class!
The hero runs and shows his muscles
The hero runs and shows his muscles
Love stories that start on a bench
Love stories that start on a bench
Blindfolded or hidden by the film's title
Blindfolded or hidden by the film’s title
Tom Cruise loves films with his profiles on them
Tom Cruise loves films with his profiles on them
Black, white and fire
Black, white and fire
Wildlife documentaries have an irrepressible love for the blue
Wildlife documentaries have an irrepressible love for the blue

Have you ever contemplated about these trends in film poster design before.