Traditionally, the water proofing of gadgets involved using some bulky outer shell. However, last a new water proofing technology has been presented by Liquipel. They used a superfine nano coating technology. However, another company HzO soon jumped into competition by developing a super fine coating technology “Waterblock”. Which has the additional advantage of not only protecting electronics devices from water but also from other liquids including soda, juice, beer and colas edge.
The WaterBlock technology uses the principle of vapour disposition to apply microfilm to your gadget. Hence, the internal components of a gadget are protected by a surface that is light weight, clear and water proof.
Cameras are certainly sensitive to the moisture in a lens. This can completely wreck a camera even if there is no electrical damage. HzO’s website particulary mentions the effectiveness of this new technique for all sorts of materials. Even it can protect the fabric of water proof bags. WaterBlock, provides a waterproofing solution that is lightweight, more effective than a mechanical seal and does not produce any cosmetic effect.