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5 Popular Types Of Web App Architecture For Developers Getting Started

There are several popular types of web app architecture for developers getting started. Importantly, web application architecture is a framework that developers use to connect different elements together. Notably, this is the foundation of users’ web browsing experience. Typically, web application architecture consists of UI/UX components, such as dashboards, layouts, and notification elements. In addition, web app architecture requires an app and database server as well. As a developer getting started, you need to know the different types of web application architecture. This way, you can better understand how these components are arranged and when to use each pattern. Read on to discover the most popular types of web app architecture for developers getting started. 

Legacy HTML Web Apps 

First, legacy HTML web applications is one of the most popular types of system architecture. Typically, a legacy HTML web app consists of a web server. Notably, this architecture component constructs basic web page logic from HTML protocol code. Simultaneously, it interacts with the client by sending out a complete HTML page. To access updates, users usually need to refresh the page. During this process, the client sends a request for an HTML page to the server to reload the code. Since the logic and data are usually stored on the server, this architecture can offer high security. Indeed, users do not have access to this critical information. Therefore, legacy HTML web applications are best to build secure applications with lower amounts of data. 


Next, many developers are implementing microservice architecture patterns within their web applications. In a microservices approach, applications consist of many smaller, loosely coupled components. Typically, these services are independently deployable and have their own technology stack. Thus, you can update code more easily without touching the entire application, which increases design efficiency. Many developers also use the DevOps methodology with microservice architecture to speed up the development process. Indeed, DevOps tools can automate build, test, and deployment procedures within the pipeline. Simultaneously, microservices allow you to release new versions of a service with very little downtime. In short, microservices paired with DevOps offers high reliability and efficiency for web application developers.

Serverless Architecture 

In addition, you can also use serverless architecture to develop your web applications. With serverless architecture, the web app is hosted by a third-party server. Often, this eliminates the need for you to manage server software and hardware. Indeed, you can consult a third-party cloud infrastructure service provider. Then, they can outsource the server. Notably, this can be a great option for developers who want to build the application but do not wish to support the servers and hardware to run the web app. Additionally, serverless architecture allows you to deploy your applications rapidly. Indeed, there is no infrastructure construction to slow down the development process. This can increase flexibility as you release your applications. Absolutely, serverless architecture is great to increase speed and streamline web application management. 

Single-Page Apps 

Moreover, single-page apps (SPAs) are another popular type of web application architecture for developers getting started. With an SPA, your application can leverage dynamic interaction by updating content to the current page. This way, your application does not have to load completely new pages from the server each time, like in a legacy HTML app. Often, SPAs can prevent interruptions in the user experience as well. Thus, they sometimes can resemble desktop applications. In addition, SPAs are usually designed to request the most necessary content and information first. Notably, this can work to facilitate an intuitive, interactive user experience.

Progressive Web Applications 

Furthermore, developers are also using progressive web application (PWA) architectures within their projects. Typically, this architecture uses the logic of a single page web app with some services running within the browser. Therefore, you need to make sure you have a browser and operating system that supports your PWA. For example, Windows, Android, and iOS typically support progressive web application architecture. With this configuration, developers can add updates to a web app remotely. Plus, end users can install the application without visiting an app store.

There are several popular types of web app architecture for developers getting started. First, legacy HTML apps can offer high security within their architecture. Next, you can increase application development efficiency and reliability with microservices. In addition, serverless computing ecosystems can streamline deployment and management. Moreover, single-page apps can prevent interruptions in the user experience. Furthermore, progressive web application are great when you have an OS and browser that supports your software. Consider these points to learn about the most popular types of web app architecture for developers getting started.