Images Of Cute Kittens Have An Impact To Improve Concentration (Photo Gallery)

 Why some people think that pictures of kittens on the web are of no use? To answer this question Japanese researchers have explored the impact of the photographs of “kawaii”(meaning cute in Japanese language) on people’s mind and the results are impressive. Folks are more alert when there are cute animals around them.

 A syndicate of scientists from the University of Hiroshima performed three experiments on pupils of ages between 18 and 22 years. In the first stage the two teams were asked to play a game called Doctor Maboul,  a famous game in that every pupil must examine the patient without touching its sides.

The results from the experiment showed that team having the images of cute kittens in front of them had an improvement in the level of their performance as compared to the case of the team watching adult animal images. After repeated trials it was shown that group viewing cute kitten images had 16% improvement in its performance while the other group only had 1% of increase in score.


White and grey kitten

cream color puppy

Cute kitten with a yellow chick

Black and grey kitten looking downward

Cute and innocent puppy

Innocent white and brown kitten

White puppy looking upwards

innocent white puppy

white kitten wearing lime on head