Sometimes, some photographers are lucky to be at the right place at the right time to take an amazing and bizarre photograph. Here fate seems to play an important role in guiding the photographers to such amazing timing.
Whether it was a perfect timing by virtue of chance or twist of fate, all of the photographs in the gallery below seem to have benefited from both of these two factors. Because what else can explain the magic of these photographs with such impeccable timing. Dog head partly hide the face of his owner, two birds in flight seem to make a single bird, two dogs that seem to become one. The authors of these photos have been more lucky than just press the shutter of a camera to capture the perfect image.
Sometimes nature itself provides a platform for the right picture. For example, a jet of water coming out from a fountain makes the shape of a small person, or these tree trunks that could easily pass for legs. Click on the thumbnails below to see the photos.