Till this day, no treatment or synthetic drug has been able to replace the vital blood tests. Take the example of France, where blood donations alone save the lives of 1 million people each year. However, a number of donors do not want to repeat the experience of blood donation after undergoing a very unpleasant search of veins in the arm. Fortunately, a new technology has been developed that makes the veins easily visible and greatly reduces the patients’ anxiety.
The blood donations help us save many lives but still they are not numerous enough to cope with the shortage of blood. One thing that may discourage the beginners to donate blood, is surely having to bear someone look for the vein in your arm with a needle. In fact, in case of many people their veins are hard to find. But thanks to this revolutionary gadget, the procedure is now quite an easy one. Testing of the technology is underway in Australia.
This device may look radioactive, but in reality it is not so and very safe. It works by shining the near infrared light on your arm, which is then absorbed by the deoxygenated hemoglobin in your veins. This creates a vivid picture of your veins that nurses can use to insert the needle.
Although this technology is already being used in some clinical settings to help practitioners collect blood donation, it will now be tested in Sydney by the Australian Red Cross. It is hoped that by reducing the anxiety of donors, they are more likely to return. The trial will be conducted on 300 new and 600 former donors aged between 18 to 35 years.
This device that helps make your veins visible is very clever! We appreciate this technology, that can help doctors easily collect blood donations. We would like that this technology that avoids unnecessary pain, is adopted throughout the world and increases the number of donors. Do you think this device will make you less anxious and more likely to make blood donation?