Agriculture plays an important part in the global economy of Africa. Although each country of this continent has its specialty, overall Africa is an Agrarian society. The French telecom operator Orange has just launched its SMS service, m-Agri, to facilitate the farmers know about latest trading practices.
Thus, Labaroun Kasoua, allows the Nigerian farmers to know about the discounted prices of livestock or agricultural commodities across the country. This allows the farmers, among other things, to help them choose the right markets to sell its products or store its production until prices are more attractive rates.
Similarly, in Côte d’Ivoire, in Mali, in Senegal and Madagascar, m-Agri provides the opportunity to better manage and reimburse the micro-credit by SMS. Similarly, it is also possible in Bambara to seek advice about best agricultural practices by contacting the specialized call centers in Mali. The list of features offered by the service m-Agri ‘s Orange is long and proves that Africa has potential and a promising future ahead.
The approach of the French operator is really well thought out! We are satisfied with the development of modern agriculture practices in Africa. While it is important to highlight that these service are for the moment only available insome countries. Would you have ever imagined that a simple SMS can provide much help to farmers?