Zurich University of Arts has developed a machine that can give you the feeling of flying in the air. The wish to get wings has made man to invent a number of strange machines but this new machine can outdo them all. Due to the use of augmented reality technology, there is no need to take off from the ground when you are using this machine. The machine gives you the perfect sensation of flying as a bird. The machine has been given the name of “Birdly.” The birdly machine is designed for an art work and has nothing to do with commercialization. You can feel the air striking you with the help of the fan installed at front.

The virtual reality technology used by Oculus Rift RV headset gives a bird-eye-view during the flight. So, in short you can flap your way through the air exactly the same way a bird does. To give it a real touch, fliers can even smell the background they are soaring over. The designers say, “‘Soundwise you perceive only the roaring of the wind and the flaps of the wings. The olfactoric feedback is based on the location which the bird flies over in the scenery and ranges from the scent of a forest, soil, to several other odors of the wilderness.”

Further improvements and changes are still required to stop the fliers from feeling sick. The use of Oculus Rift in the birdly has revolutionized the project. Earlier we have seen the Norwegian Army also use this technology into make the drivers drive the armored trucks without the need to keep their heads over the hatch all the times. Number of cameras mounted on the vehicle helps the soldiers to look around while staying inside the vehicle. Another project of Oculus Rift let you feel the jumps and loops in person. So, virtual reality is being put into use to invent new devices and machines.

An interesting experience of broadband company is unveiled in Sweden by using a headset through which you can experience the real life as an internet session. The basic idea was to make the people realize how they would be feeling if everything around them is buffered like in internet. The experience is named as “Living with Lag” with the help of an Oculus Rift, webcam and Rasperry Pi and a pair of noise removing headphones. A delay of 0.33 seconds is introduced and results are really hilarious where 4 volunteers are playing ping pong and dancing.