Category: Robotics
MIT Researchers Design Soft Robot That Can Swim Like A Real Jellyfish
How does it sound if someone asks you about a jellyfish drone or jellyfish robot? Well! This is becoming a reality as more and more research is being done in this field. Jellyfish robots are being used for pollution destruction and other purposes. It seems that everyone is getting jellyfish phobia. Even researchers of MIT…
Drones Can Now Hit With 80000 Volts Shock
Drones are the most effective and powerful tools in the technology of warfare. They are extensively being used across the globe. A lot of research is being made in this regard. Besides their effectiveness in war, they are also being used for reforestation in Sumatra National Park. Consequently, we can say that drones could be…
With Muscle Memory, Even Kids Can Teach Robots The Use Of Limbs
Robots are playing a vital role in our daily life from kitchen to gardening and from industry to sports. Robots are controlling the whole factories reducing the need of manpower and making life better. Now, the technology for robots has reached at a point where we want to make everything robotic. Even in military, we…
MIT Scientists Design A Robotic Razor Clam That Can Dig Sand Quickly
The MIT researchers have developed an energy efficient sand digging robot inspired from Razor Clam. The Razor Clam is an aquatic animal that only measures few inches in length and resembles a razor. Yet it has one unique ability to very quickly dig itself into the sand and once it has implanted itself in the…
Examples Of Beautiful Light Painting Using Drones (Photo Gallery)
Long exposure photography is one of the most popular photography techniques in which shutter speed and duration is adjusted so that the stationery elements in the scene are captured as it is while the moving parts of the scene get blurred. Earlier we had written an article on Long Exposure Photography: Japanese Landscapes Illuminated By…
U-CAT: A Turtle Robot To Access Difficult Places Underwater (Video)
Visiting an underwater shipwreck or a deep cave in the ocean is not an easy task. That is why the researchers have developed this little robot that looks like a turtle, to enable them to explore inaccessible places. We make you explore this new robotic innovation! The U-CAT is a small robot that looks like a turtle, developed by the…
Dutch Scientists Create World’s Smallest Drone Of A Dragonfly Size (Video)
Dutch scientists have created the world’s smallest drone. This incredibly lightweight drone named DelFly weighs only 20 grams and could revolutionize the world of robotics. We make you discover this incredible invention! The DelFly is the first unmanned mini drone designed by Guido de Croon, a Dutch scientist. ‘This is the smallest drone in the world that…
By 2050, It May Be Possible To Fall In Love And Marry A Robot
Falling in love with a robot may seem to be a completely implausible idea? Yet, the scientists explain that with the recent advances in the robotics and artificial intelligence it may be possible to marry one of them by 2050! We reveal to you this surprising prediction about the future. Extensive scientific experiments have proved…
3D Printing Can Now Create Human Tissue To Heal Your Wounds
The advancements in 3D printing do not cease to amaze us! After the ability to print food, medical implants and even houses, a new milestone has been achieved, that of bioprinting. That is, the creation of human tissues in 3D. We describe further details of this revolutionary technique. The bioprinting is a well known technology in the field…
Inmoov: The First Humanoid Robot That You Can Print At Home Using 3D Printer (Video)
With the evolution of technology, robots are no longer just reserved for science fiction. A French has created an electronic humanoid that you can build directly at your home using a 3D printer! We present to you this impressive innovation that makes the robotics available for everyone. InMoov is the name of this incredible 14 kg robot…
Scientists Respond To The Threat Of Disappearing Bees By Making Insect Robots For Cross Pollination
A team of scientists is working on a prototype artificial brain that simulates the behavior of a bee. This ingenious invention will then be implanted into a small robot to create a synthetic autonomous insect. We explain everything in detail! Two groups of researchers from the Universities of Sussex and Sheffield have launched a collaborative project whose goal is to create…
Scientists Take Inspiration From Termites To Make Fully Autonomous Builder Robots (Video)
Scientists have taken inspiration from termites to make fully autonomous robots, that are able to construct building structures on their own! We explains to you the working of these tiny builder robots. The success of “TERMS” Project at Harvard has revealed that a collection of robots working without a centralized control can build complex 3D structures. As termites, these…
A German Table Tennis Champion Timo Boll Will Face A Robot In A Match (Video)
German table tennis champion, Timo Boll, who is ranked eighth in the world, will face the robot of the company Kuka Robotics in a ping-pong match next month. Infact, the match will be played in Shanghai, China to mark the opening of company’s new robot plant in China. Timo Boll is also a brand ambassador for the…
A Passionate Of Air Hockey Turns A 3D printer Into A Ruthless Robotic Opponent (Video)
We have got accustomed to hearing about the many fabulous accomplishments of the 3D printers. However, a passionate of Air Hockey saw the potential in 3D printer to convert into an Air Hockey playing robot. The robot player is very accurate, as well as, difficult to defeat. We present to you this ingenious and amazing game…