If you have genuine aspirations to turn your small business into something larger a fundamental part of your strategy should be to take the appropriate steps to build awareness of your brand and make your business more visible online.
We all know that the majority percentage of purchase transactions tend to involve some form of online contact or searches and that means potential customers need to be able to find you.
If your blogger outreach efforts don’t currently hit the mark or your SEO strategy needs better direction you might want to take a look at these simple but effective tips.
Do your research
Keywords are crucial to customers finding you and if you don’t research them thoroughly it will most likely prove detrimental to the visibility and success of your site.
It is best not to make assumptions when it comes to keywords and you will improve your odds of success if you do your research and take some guidance on finding the right phrases or words by using tools such as Google Keyword Planner.

An easy way to increase visibility
Another simple but effective tip would be to take advantage of options that allow you to increase your online visibility with minimal or zero cost.
Google is the undisputed behemoth of online search engines and it makes sense to take up the offer of a business listing, which gives you the opportunity to have some input into how your business appears when they use the most popular search engine.
Another relevant point to consider would be that you will also be improving the accuracy of the search engine results as well as giving you an insight into how people found you and what they typed to get to you.
Embrace what video content has to offer
Video traffic is already hitting an impressive coverage that is around 80% of all online traffic and that means you can’t afford to be left behind by not adding plenty of video content for customers to engage your customers with.
It can pay to get some professional guidance on this topic as you need to be sure that crawlers understand what your video is all about and that the text reference aligns perfectly.
No time to hang about
Another crucial aspect to bear in mind when trying to drive more online traffic to your site is that the vast majority of customers are not very tolerant when it comes to waiting for your site to load.
Work on boosting your page loading speed because more than half of visitors will click away if your site takes more than three seconds to load.
Page loading speed is a pivotal factor that matters when it comes to SEO and you should also ensure that mobile users have the same experience as anyone if you want to ensure that your business enjoys steady growth through increased visibility.
If you want to connect with your customers these are just some of the SEO cornerstones that need to be sorted and good to go.