This short animated film highlights how the life of a worker robot is turned upside down when it is faced with more efficient and competitive robot. We present you this mini-movie that shows how the robot learns to use new techniques to have an edge over its competitor droids.
This short and super cool animated movie is the result of the work of Scott Thierauf, who is a creative designer at Red Echo Post. This Vimeo user describes his work as a downward spiral in which one is caught as a result of emotions of jealousy, resentment and uncontrolled desires. The work depicts how the normal routine life of a robot is affected by the arrival of his competitors. The robot learns new skills and the use of new tools to stay competitive. In other words, the Scott’s film highlights that even in everyday life one needs to continuously improve one’s skills to avoid being overtaken by the competition at the workplace. A masterpiece as cute as sadly true.
This short film is really nice! We really love the subtle depiction of our ultra competitive society. This strategy makes sense: when you feel threatened, you must fight back. How would you feel if your job was threatened by the arrival of a more powerful competitor?