Lapland is a large region near Arctic and to the north of Europe. Far from being a vast snowy plain, this site is full of ice, spectacular scenery and buildings. Take a hot cup of chocolate and explore Lapland, a country of snow, icy wastes and Santa.
Lapland is a region regrouping parts of northern Norway, Finland, Sweden, and the Kola Peninsula in Russia. It is also included in the World Heritage List as a natural and cultural site. This site has been a preserved national park because it is located in the path of migrating reindeer which number 40,000 and can be found in different places.
Lapland is an absolutely beautiful area with an environment of its own, which can be warm at times and can approach -40°C in winter. In writing, we are fascinated by the beauty of these places that have a magical and enchanting atmosphere. Would you be tempted by a trip to Santa’s country or do you prefer more tropical destinations climate?