You want to make sure that you have a place in heaven? Well, for this you need to follow the religious scriptures to the letter and do good deeds. However, there is another way also. Ariel Mandel, an orthodox Jew from Teaneck, New Jersey has put his place in paradise (known as “Olam Habaah” in Jewish religion) on sale. The bids started from 99 cents, within few hours sky rocketed to more than $91000. However, the affair did not last long. Ariel had to withdraw his offer as eBay only sells tangible products.
Mandel is not surprised that a place in heaven is valued so much in the eyes of the ultra-Orthodox community. In fact, according to the Jewish religion only the people who strictly follow the commandments of Torah and live a pious life can achieve this. In an interview Mr. Mandel explains: “We do not do fanciful or extravagant lives as the goyim (non-Jews), because our reward is in another world. All we do is to collect credit of virtue for that world to come.