The concept of Gravity has been developed by a team of 4 engineers at the Royal College of Art in London. This tablet enables users equipped with augmented reality glasses, to see their drawings take shape of three dimensions sketches, as if the image was a projected hologram. You can even rotate the sketch and see it from all angles to better observe and continue to draw.
The designers of this innovative object have filed a patent to protect their invention and they are currently working to develop a version that can be commercialized. Gravity requires just a tablet and augmented reality glasses, regardless of their type. It is however not possible to connect the device to a screen that will display the 3D sketches without the need to equip oneself with glasses.
The principle of Gravity really captivated us. We hope that the creators of this revolutionary tablet develop an easy to use and cost-effective system. Just as designers, we are all convinced that the realization of augmented reality sketches may be useful in industry, research, art and many other areas. Do you think augmented reality will eventually be an integral part of our daily lives?