The Yellow wallpapers are the choice of the people who have love the intellect. Yellow wallpapers give a very beautiful luminous look because of their bright color. If you want the screen of your laptop to wake you up in the morning than yellow wallpapers are the ultimate choice.
In the West, the yellow is the most valued color specially the yellow gold, while the greenish yellow and dull yellow remain unappreciated. During ancient times, the Romans wore the yellow for ceremonies and weddings. In China, it is associated with power, the wisdom and the rich, it was long reserved for the emperor of China. Yellow is most often associated with the gold symbolizing power, wealth, joy, the power and the friendship. But yellow also keeps a negative character right from medieval imagery as it depicted Traitor Knights, Judas, betrayed husbands … Yellow is the color of betrayal, of jealousy, of the depravity and the pride.
With such a detailed description of the yellow color we finally make you discover these yellow wallpapers. We hope that you will find these wallpapers useful. Please let us know about your choice in the comments. If you think there is any important yellow background that is not included in the list please do let us know.