The Cartoon and film fantasy of a flying car could soon be a reality thanks to the new air-borne concept of Fly Citycopter by the designer Eduardo Gelvani. “The movie Back to the future2” had predicted that in 2015 flying car would be a reality, well this new concept may used by the automobile manufacturers to build such car. This newly developed air-borne method was inspired by the transportation concepts of the Doc Brown and Marty McFly. In fact, this concept is more like a personal helicopter which is more environmental friendly and convenient to use. So, now you need not worry about waiting for a bus or rush on roads.
The inventor hopes that this concept would revolutionize the way we think of transportation industry. The helicopter is able to drive you through the cities in minutes. It will take only 2 hours to reach Paris from London city. This helicopter is being seen as an alternative to the traditional transportation facilities. In fact, this option offers more than just eco-friendliness and speed. It is noticed that during last few years, traffic in the cities has increased manifold which has caused a number of problems like pollution and traffic jams.
According to the inventor, “The pollution caused by CO2 emission is making the urban atmosphere worse each time. In Paris, this year, government provided public transportation for free and asked people to not use their cars for three days in an attempt of battle against the intense pollution of the air. Also in this year, in Beijing, giant LCD panels were used to show a virtual sunset to pedestrians, while the city was evolved in a very dense and polluted atmosphere hiding the natural horizon.”
Keeping in view the above discussion, the inventor was convinced to come up with a means of transportation that is eco-friendly. He is really happy to see the efforts being made by the researchers and engineers across the world to produce the green energy. He sees that his efforts are also in the same direction. The electric engines and fans save the environment from pollution and provide an easy way for people to reach their work. The helicopter runs on electricity and is powered directly from the solar energy. The procedures of handling the flight are same as in a traditional helicopter. Though, it is designed for manual control but it also supports auto pilot mode. The helicopter uses Aluminum, Carbon and Titanium as its building material. According to designer, he is not in the process of building one such device. Rather, he hopes that this concept is a source of inspiration for the people in the industry and scientists.