Knowing oneself is pretty interesting. Everyone is eager to explore oneself. We want to know how fast we run, how much food we take daily, how much movements we make daily and many more. How does it sound if you are able to know all these informations? This can undoubtedly help you to improve your health, your daily routine and your behavior. In order to know all these informations you would definitely need to be wired up with many sensors across the body. Obviously! it feels bad to imagine one covered with so many wires. Well, there is someone who really likes this. Yes! He is Mr. Chris Dancy believed to be the most connected man on the earth.
He uses a plenty of sensors, devices apps to gain information about himself and the atmosphere around him. It means he is well aware of himself more than anyone. According to him all this information helped him to lose 45Kg of his weight. As he knows how much he has to eat and how much to work out. He belongs to Denver. According to him whenever he comes in contact with something worthwhile he wants to get information from it that he can track, visualize and share with others who may want to use it. Using all these connected devices enables him to keep track of what he is eating or drinking, when sleeping and when getting up.

He has plenty of wearable technologies over his body all the times including a smartwatch, Blue Heart Rate monitor, Google Glass and an Armband. His house is also equipped with lots of electronic gadgets in order to monitor his households like he has Beddit mattress cover used to collect data while he is sleeping, smartphone controlled lighting system and even pet GPS tag to monitor the activities of his dogs.
He sees bright future of technological stuff in making one’s life easier and quantified. According to him, “I realized I was putting a lot of information online and if one of these services went out of business, I would have been without a lot of information that was relevant, at least to me at that time.” He is amazed that other people are not using technology in that way to make their lives easier. Let’s see how much people get interested in his persuasions. But it is a fact that technology can help the people for modifying their lives.