MIT researchers claim that they have made a system that can monitor the vital signs through the walls. The system basically transmits a low power wireless signals through the wall. Some of this signals gets reflected back by the human beings on the other side of the wall. These reflections are used by computer software to calculate various vital signs and other movements.
Wearable gadgets have no doubt the potential to revolutionize the world with for their diverse applications. Multiple health gadgets have been introduced in recent years that can monitor the heart beat while you wear them on the wrists. But MIT researchers have come up with something more innovative. They claim that they have made a system that can monitor the vital signs through the walls. This innovation has the real potential to do-away with the smart wristbands. The research is carried out in MIT’s wireless centre located in Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Lab (CSAIL).
The system basically transmits a low power signal and then tracks the moving human beings by using the reflection of the same signal. If someone is hidden behind the walls, still his movements can be monitored. Although signal gets attenuated as it passes through the wall still complex mathematical algorithms can track the user activity with accuracy. The system can tell us about the size of the person on the other side of the wall. The technology is so efficient that it can read the movement of the chest because of breathing and returns the heart beat rate with 99 percent accuracy.

So, you can keep eyes on the heartbeat of a baby inside a room while spending leisure time in the garden. The technology has enough potential to keep the doctors and nurses up to date about the conditions of the patients. You can even detect the emotions and gestures of other people with the help of this smart technology. The team is led by the professor Robert Miller along with two students Fadel Adib and Zach Kabelec. The technology is able to monitor the activities of up to 4 people.
The system can also be used in rescue operations to reach the survivors in case the building caught fire. You can capture the motions which occurred in fraction of a second. Elderly people with the risk of falling down can take help from this technologyome alone.