In a funny turn of events in Los Angeles, some people have objected to a Tea Kettle by JC Penny whose shape they think looks like Adolf Hitler’s face. A publicity billboard featuring the Kettle was taken down along with the withdrawal of the product from store shelves. Interestingly, on eBay the Kettle price soared to more than $200 following the protests.
In the last few days the social media is abuzz with photos of “JC Penney Michael Graves Hitler Tea Kettle”. This all started when a publicity billboard appeared in Los Angeles featuring the product. However, some people thought that this innocent looking product resembles the German Nazi leader giving his Sieg Heil Salute.
After the protests, the retailer JC penny took down the billboard while at the same time he defended his actions on twitter as: “Totally unintentional — and if we had been strategizing, we probably would have gone with a cute puppy or kitty kettle. :)”
However, on the other hand the price of the Kettle on the eBay reached as high as $245.90. The mayor of of Culver City, in the suburbs of Los Angeles where the billboard was posted attacked the retailer by saying: “I am disappointed JC Penney actually put the billboard up in the first place and more outraged that they actually attempted to defend it. I am offended as a Jew and I am ashamed to represent a city linked to this affair.”
Is it a genuine protest against the Kettle resembling Adolf Hitler, we leave the readers to decide.