Imagine you are going to a party and you are already aware of who else is there or you are at a bar and interested in knowing other people around? How does it sound? Wonderful! SocialRadar will help you out in this regard. It offers real-time information regarding people in your surroundings. It uses the data obtained from different social networks regarding the current activities and whereabouts of users. These Social networks include; Instagram, Facebook, Google Plus, Twitter, Foursquare and LinkedIn.
Ambient location tracker is not a new concept. Numerous apps are available in the market however their efficiency is a big question mark. That’s the reason no such application or app could become popular. Social radar is hoping to get pace with famous social apps like Whatsapp, Viber and Snapchat. Social radar is the only key player in this field which gained such popularity that after launching till January, it was downloaded more than 22,000 times. The inventor of SocialRadar, Michael Chasen, is hopeful that within next 3-5 years the use of this app will become very common. Inventor of the SocialRadar is also the inventor of Blackboard, a famous educational platform.

SocialRadars tells about the people whom you know or not in surroundings. It tells the users who are around, how you know them and what are they up to? One just needs a smartphone and internet connection in order to know this. All the contacts, friends, acquaintance, friends of friends and other people in nearby are shown. Screen also allows you to select the range in which one wants to locate the people. This can open new horizons in social networking.
The big advantage of SocialRadar is that there is no need of a separate sign up as SocialRadar user, it automatically collects data from other services like Facebook, Google+ and etc. The main concern of privacy is catered by getting no additional private information about the users. It is the choice of the user whether he wants to be visible or not. According to Michael Chasen the issue of privacy is becoming important day by day, but this issue can easily be addressed if you have a control over the information that you are sharing and this what this new app gives you. The distance within which one wants to locate friends can be adjusted and lead to 8kms even. Success of SocialRadar depends on many factors but Michael Chasen is hopeful about bright future of app. SocialRadar is available free of cost for ios, google while for android will be available in the end of this year.