Vela One: World’s Fastest And Cost Effective Flash For Slow Motion Photography
Slow motion photography usually requires a lot of technical and expensive equipment. That said, a British start-up has risen to the challenge of designing a cost effective and ultra fast flash to easily photograph moving objects. With Vela One, you can now capture all you want with a precision of half microsecond! The high speed Vela One is, to…
A Fascinating Video Reveals Tattoo Making Close-up (Video)
Tattooing is an often a misunderstood art. A Parisian tattooist has made a slow motion film of the tattoo making process to make us understand the minute details of this art. We make you discover this mesmerizing video. This video has been made by Gaëtan The Gargasson, alias Guet Deep, a Paris-based tattoo artist who also acts as DJ. Under…