Tag: touchscreen
Infrared Curtain: A Cost Effective Technique To Transform Any Automobile Screen To Touchscreen
Continental, a German equipment manufacturer, wants to make touch technology in automobiles a common thing. Using a technology combining infrared rays and photodiodes, a conventional screen may be converted into a touchscreen at a much lower cost. Continental expects to commercialize the system within two years. Although the touchscreens are now a part of our daily…
Minority Report Screens Turned into Reality by Bristol University Researchers
Fiction movies have always played an incredible role in advancement of technology. We have seen the Ideas from the fiction movies like James bond turned into a reality. Similarly, a movie back in 2002, Minority Report, introduced the idea of controlling the large screens via gestures which has also materialised, thanks to the scientists Professor.…
A Futuristic Interface That Turns Everyday Paper Into An Interactive Screen (Video)
Fujitsu Laboratories has developed a system that converts the paper surface into an interactive tactile touch screen. The system is named as “Fingerlink Interaction System”. The system does not require any special hardware, just a webcam, a normal projector and a software with image processing capability. This system can analyse the surface of the paper…