A San Francisco based company has developed a cup that is smart enough to tell you about the calories in your drink. The smart cup can even also tell you about the type of drink you are taking. The smart cup has a lot to offer such as letting you how much hydrated you are and when is the time for next drink?
A San Francisco based company has developed a cup that able to calculate the calories in your drink. The smart cup can even tell you about the type of drink you are taking. The smart cup is named Vessyl and it is a great milestone in the health-related gadgets. The smart cup has a lot to offer such as letting you how much hydrated you are and when is the time for next drink? The smart cup is available in three colours- grey, white and black.
According to the website of the company, the price of the smart cup for pre-order now is only at $99 while retailer price is $199. Hopefully, The Vessyl will be made available next year. The smart cup is made up of a glass-like material with a capacity of 385ml of drink. As you start pouring the drink into the cup, the information appears in the form of text on the cup. The smart cup is able to differentiate between drink types, for example, beer and the orange juice. A good quality of spill proof lid and non-sticking interior makes it easy to wash.

The smart cup can tell about the protein, sugar, fat and calories contained in the drink. The smart cup can also be connected with an app which statistically measures the calories you consumed the whole day. The smart cup can distinguish among thousands of drinks so there is no need to worry about the unknown drink in your cup. The smart cup lights up only when tilted. Hence, you can configure it further for other purposes including weight loss and regulating the caffeine. A bar on the cup named Pryme lets you know when you need a drink.

The smart cup is charged wirelessly and one hour charging lasts for the whole week. An app for the smart cup is compatible with both iOS and Android, and uses Bluetooth to communicate with the cup. When your cup is connected with your mobile, you can make a comprehensive analysis of your drinking habits. This will surely improve your drinking habits.